District 1
Anderson, Oconee, Pickens, and Greenville Counties
1A Representative - Linda Hines (Greenville County)
1B Representative - (Anderson, Oconee, Pickens)
Anderson County:
PO Box 12, Starr, SC 29684
Kathy Koon, President (sewsalot68@gmail.com)
Lynn Robinson (lynnrob@gmail.com)
Meets the 4th Tuesday at 6:30 pm at 100 Northlake Drive, Northlake Clubhouse, Anderson, SC
Prickly Fingers Quilters Guild
P.O. Box 545, Anderson, SC 29622
President: Becky Hastings (beckyspd@gmail.com)
Meets the 2nd Wednesday at 9:30 am at the Anderson County Library, 300 N. McDuffie Street, Anderson, SC
Greenville County:
Busy Bees Quilt Guild
Fountain Inn, SC
President: Tony Figurilli
Vice President: Nancy Bertuccelli
Newsletter: Beth Osborne
Contact guild at: busybeesqg@gmail.com
Meets the 2nd Tuesday at 1:00pm at Fountain Inn Activity Center, 610 Fairview St., Fountain Inn, SC
Foothills Piecemakers Quilting Guild
Meet: 1st Tuesday of the month, 6:45 p.m.
Elks Lodge
7700 Pelham Road
Greenville, SC 29615
Email: foothillsmail1@yahoo.com
Contact: Ava Moore, President (greenvillemqg@gmail.com) (864-421-3199)
Meets the 1st Saturday at 1-3pm, St. Giles Presbyterian Church, 1021 Hudson Rd, Greenville, SC
Meeting: 2nd Monday of the Month, 7pm
Messiah Lutheran Church
Gym/Fellowship Area
1100 Log Shoals Road
Mauldin, SC 29662
Facebook: Nimble Thimbles Quilt Guild
Peach Patchers Quilt Guild
Meeting: 4th Tuesday of the month, 6:30 pm
Calvary Christian Fellowship
2455 Locust Hill Roads
Taylors, SC 29687
Facebook: Peach Patchers Quilt Guild
Swamp Rabbit Quilt Guild
Meets 2nd Thursday 10:00 AM, Travelers Rest United Methodist Church Old Fellowship Hall, 19 S Main St, Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Contact: Martha Cloys, mc75081@yahoo.com
website: http://swamprabbitquiltgu.wixsite.com/quilts
Oconee County:
Keowee Kwilters
Contact: Diane Schmidt (dischmidt43@gmail.com), 6 Divot Landing, Salem, SC. 29676
Meets 10:00-2:00 every Friday
PO Box 22, Seneca, SC 29679
Contact: Denise McCormick (Denise.mccormick@blueridge.com
President: Terri Becker (terrijbecker@gmail.com)
Websitte: lmqg.org
Meets the 1st Monday at 7:00 pm at Church of the Ascension, 214 Northampton Rd, Seneca, SC 29672
Pickens County:
UpCountry Quilters Guild
PO Box 1493, Pickens, SC 29671
Contact: Cheryl Budnaitis, President , Cabudnaitis@gmail.com
Meets the 4th Tuesday at Pickens Presbyterian Church, 311 W. Main Street, Pickens, SC 29671