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For the past several years, the President of QSC has issued a Qulters Challenge to design and create quilts using specific guidelines.  Each challenge has had a meaningful purpose and has sparked interest at the local level, state level, national level, and even internationally.  

2020-2021 President's Challenge

South Carolina in the Spring

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The Presidents Challenge will be just that, a challenge. I just love South Carolina in the spring. You have to admit it is beautiful to see all the brilliant colors of spring popping up as things turn green again (and I don’t mean pollen!). The birds are chirping, bees are buzzing, and at my house the squirrels are busy as ever chewing on every plastic flower pot and digging up the my recently planted flowers. So, for the challenge what do you love about spring in South Carolina? Make a wall hanging 24” X 48”, quilted, with binding, depicting South Carolina in the spring. Think of it as a post card encouraging people to come visit South Carolina in the spring. Viewer’s choice votes will determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Then they will all hang at the Quilters Expo in July 2020. Have fun and be creative.

© 2019 by Quilters of South Carolina,  Proudly created with

Quilters of South Carolina, PO Box 211275, Columiba, SC  29221

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